Chillin and Grillin

I often spend so much time in climate-controlled environments that I forget how nice it is to be outdoors. With the exception of a pleasant evening on the patio of a restaurant in Chevy Chase recently, I haven’t had food or drink outside since spring. I regularly cook on my grill, but then I bring the food inside and eat in the den.

This afternoon I broke part of the pattern. Temps were in the 80s, the coolest it has been in all summer, and there was a cooling breeze, so I ate my meal on my patio.

Spending time outdoors was the norm growing up, even though I lived in the hot, humid deep south. Our house didn’t have air conditioning till after I moved out in college and our family cars weren’t air conditioned either. We survived with fans and open windows.

So today I took advantage of the incorrect forecast (they had predicted rain) and did some outside chillaxin’.
