Writer’s Block

I usually have plenty to say. Ask anyone. People just can’t shut me up. But tonight I’m mostly silent. One reason is that I have so much to say that I don’t know where to begin. Another is that I’ve just had two mostly frustrating weeks but I don’t really want to whine about things in my life, at least not tonight.

I could post more quotes. In case you haven’t noticed, I like quotes and song lyrics; however, those tend to be a crutch, so I’m seeking other subject matter and writing forms.

I considered mentioning again how much I love my friends, but that feels like too much repetition and my friends know I love them. At least I think they do because I think I tell them often. Maybe.

What else do I blog about?

Music. Plenty of bands I like are coming to my area this fall, but I might only be seeing the ones for which I get free tickets (Sugarland, for example) and maybe not the ones I have to pay for (Tower of Power, Rusted Root, Jimmy Thackery, Buddy Guy, Robert Randolf, to name a few that are on my calendar). Maybe I can make a loan.

NASCAR. I’ll miss the September race in Dover again. Money and time conspire against me. And my favorite driver is barely in The Chase this year, even though he broke the record last year for most consecutive points championships. Jimmie, what happened?

Seasons. Talked about fall recently. More later, when the colors start to change.

Politics and religion? Naw!

Vacations. The vacation came to me this summer and it was at least as much fun as if I had taken one myself. But I didn’t go anywhere. I’m taking a road trip in December, but that doesn’t help me write tonight.

Holidays. I guess the next one is Halloween. Some years I really like that one, others I don’t. I do have a few goofy stories about costumes and parties I’ve been involved with. I’ll save that for next month.

Dogs. Actually, my oldest dog is not doing well at all this week, but that situation is a little too depressing and sad for me to write about tonight. More another time.

Hmm, I had nothing to say tonight and I just wrote 400 words to tell you that. Yep, ya can’t shut me up, can ya? Don’t answer that.
