Holiday Road Trip Randomness 1

I’m on the road for my first winter road trip since 2003. That trip ultimately involved unrealistic 10-hour driving days with hyper active dogs, packing a trailer with Dad’s old tools, some furniture and other things, and a final day of travel just hours ahead of a record-setting blizzard.

This trip is off to a great start and I’ve already had the longest single-day drive of eight hours. And no blizzard in sight.

- First stop was Asheville, NC. I love this town and this is the first time I’ve seen it in winter. Beautiful.

- Spent time eating, drinking and talking with one of my best friends.

- Had an early Christmas feast with said friend and several people in her family circle I’ve never met. I enjoy meeting new people, especially artsy and literary folks (Asheville has many residents like that).

- The setting for that feast was in the mountains northeast of Asheville. (I'll post better pictures than this later)

- Still ahead, New Orleans.

- That agenda includes a day with another of my best friends, time with other old friends and quality time with two sets of cousins.

- My sister and I will have Christmas brunch at the restaurant we used to go to on that day with our parents when they were alive.

My last Asheville-New Orleans road trip was my best vacation ever. This might equal it.
