Drummer Battle: Rich or Beauford?

This post is inspired by a co-worker's facebook post about awesome drummers. Any drummer will tell you Buddy Rich was one of the best. The peak of his career was the 1950s and 1960s but he continued to perform till right before his death in the 1980s.

Here is a Buddy Rich drum solo from 1970:

Somewhat more modern drummers on the ‘best of’ list would include Neil Peart (Rush) and John Bonham (Led Zeppelin).

But my contemporary fave is Carter Beauford from the Dave Matthews Band. You can tell he is inspired by Buddy Rich but his style is his own.

CLICK HERE for a Carter Beauford from a concert in 2006:

Buddy and Carter are each incredibly talented. Both seem to have fun while performing and almost make it look easy.


Lee said…
You know I love me some Led Zepp and some Dave. I even wore my DMB shirt yesterday in honor of Dave's b-day. :)

Bernie said…
I should have worn mine yesterday. I forgot. I'm now a Dave fan thanks to you know who. :)