Pink Month

I am not a fan of the color pink and I don’t go out of my way to wear it during October, breast cancer awareness month. Honestly, I don’t need a pink ribbon to make me aware of breast cancer. The reminders are all around me all year.

A small fitness room at my office is named for a co-worker who is a two-time breast cancer survivor.

Every summer I get a text from a high school friend who is also a breast cancer survivor telling me the results of her annual tests. I get texts from her every week, but the summer one stands out. It usually reads “I get to live another year.”

Nearly every room in my house has furniture or housewares that belonged to a family friend who lost her battle with breast cancer earlier this year.

I remember in my own way. I am aware in my own way. I spread awareness to you and others through this blog, personal conversations and one of my radio interview shows. Be aware, talk about it, get tested. Wear the pink ribbons if that works for you. Don’t feel bad if you chose not to wear the pink.

The main point of this month is to set a calendar appointment to focus on breast cancer awareness. But be aware all year. Breast cancer does not have a calendar.
