You Know I Am Usually Happy

If you know me, you know I hate chaos.
You know I hate ambiguity and seek clarity.
You know I am usually diplomatic and respectful.
You know that while I don't seek attention I do hate to be ignored.
You know I am not a genius but I am smarter than average.
You know I think things through and try to consider multiple factors and points of view.
You might not know how much stress I am under when people I work with do not consider the big picture and do not pay attention to my insight into things.
Sometimes I long for the days when I was unfiltered. I often wish I could shout out exactly what I'm thinking (flashback to the beginning of my career when that behavior got my ass fired from 3 of my first 5 jobs) instead of being diplomatic and respectful (which significantly adds to my stress levels).
You know that sometimes I am arrogant and egotistical until I realize that behavior means I am also sometimes a jerk.
You know I think I am right more often than wrong but sometimes that leads to the afore-mentioned arrogance.
So you probably know by reading this that some stuff at work is/was bothering me. Let's just say that it took every ounce of restraint and diplomacy to stay calm one day last week when I had to completely revise something that took a long time to create, because someone didn't believe me and told me to do it one way when I knew it should have been done another way. And the revision, by the way, is how I would have done it in the first place.
Anyway, that was last week; this week is better, so far. Sorry for the negativity in this post. I just had to vent. 
