My Process – January 2017

Every January I go through a process of reflection on the past year and planning for the next year. I start around New Year's Day and continue through my birthday near the end of January. It's a cross between making New Years resolutions and goal-setting.

I couldn't remember much about the results of my process last January, so I looked it up. It appears I did not get very specific last January and apparently the same is true for the previous January.

Hmmmm. Last year I decided to carry over 'discipline' as my keyword for 2016, in part because I failed to follow through on discipline in 2015. Looks like I've done it again.

Another thing I noticed is that I considered letting 2016 just be whatever it wanted to be. I am often guilty of overthinking and making detailed plans that I don't follow through on. In reflecting on 2016, I guess I really did just roll with whatever came.

The year itself was weird, dominated by political crap. However, it was a pleasant year for me. A great relationship got even better and some friendships grew stronger. Travel included the beach, New York and New Orleans. Work continued to be crazy but fun.

One new thing popped up during numerous conversations... the word 'retirement'. That's always been an interesting but far away topic. Now I actually have a target year in my head. I'll never fully retire but I can see a day when I'll cut back. It's not soon but it's no longer decades away.

So what's the plan for 2017?  The 'process' begins on Sunday, New Year's Day. Stay tuned.


elizinashe said…
The plans you need to make is to come and plan a visit here. Keep writing and take more pics! Forget the rest. haha...