A Scam Or Not A Scam

I must have "nice guy" tattooed on my forehead. Or sucker. People, total strangers, seem to single me out when they need something.

I was in the middle of a group of several people exiting the grocery store recently when a young woman sheepishly approached me with sad eyes and a story. She said her car wouldn't start, she had called police and others and needed twenty seven dollars; even one dollar would help, anything. She appeared to be in her thirties and dressed in typical casual attire for the neighborhood and the season. She said she could show me her driver's license, credit cards, etc., I assume to prove she wasn't just scamming me. I told her I thought there was an ATM in the store and she spoke a partial sentence indicating that wouldn't work.

I told her I was sorry but I only used cards, didn't have cash and couldn't help her; all lies, by the way. There are a few reasons why I didn't want to give her twenty seven dollars ... I was skeptical about her story, I've been scammed in similar fashion in the past and refused to let it happen again, didn't understand the exactness of her $27 request.

In the thirty seconds of our conversation, I considered asking her to show me her license, as she had offered, explain what exactly was wrong with her car, tell me what the police have to do with her situation, show me her car, explain why she needed exactly twenty seven dollars.

Later I wish I had asked her why she singled me out of the four or five people who exited the store at the same time. I was in the middle of that pack. Was it because I was the only guy? Because I appeared to be the oldest? Because I walk with a cane so maybe I'm more likely to help?  Do I have "nice guy" written on my forehead?

What would you have done?

Was this a scam or did she truly need $27?  If you were in need of a few dollars, would you ask a stranger outside your local grocery store?

I feel bad that I am so skeptical in these situations but I also believe I'm a target for scams. I wonder what I'd do if I needed money to get out of a jam.


elizinashe said…
If she had credit cards, then why does she need $27? And why that exact amount? Weird...it's good to be skeptical. I'm the very same way.