Was Gene From Outer Space?

There’s a theory floating around that some amazing structures in the world, like the great pyramids of Egypt, were actually designed or built by visitors from advanced civilizations from other planets. It is a theory that seems believable when you consider the primitive technology of 4000 years ago and how difficult it would have been to invent and built such incredible structures.

In the 2000 BC, there were no engines, no computers and the average Egyptian probably still believed the earth was flat and the sun and everything else they observed in the sky revolved around our planet.

Technology in the middle of the boomer era seems primitive by today’s standards. In 1966, for example, many TVs were still black and white, telephones were connected by wire to wall outlets that were connected to wired networks. Recorded music was played on 7-inch or 12-inch vinyl disks; a ‘record player’ wouldn’t fit in your pocket like today’s iPods or phones. Elevators in some buildings still had human ‘elevator operators’ who manually started and stopped at each floor. Libraries were filled with books of reference material and you had to visit a library to get information about people or places. You had to flip a switch or push a button to turn on lights or open doors.

Yet there were TV shows in 1966 that portrayed a future of automation with spoken commands. The Jetsons and Star Trek are two examples.

The elevator doors on the Enterprise opened when you approached and you spoke the level you wanted to go to. No button to push. Crew members verbally questioned the computers and received verbal answers. Communication between people was done on a ‘communicator’ which looked a while lot like a Motorola Startak flip phone of the 1990s.

Verbal communication between humans and our devices is rapidly becoming the norm. “Alexa, where was William Shatner born?”  “Siri, read me my last text.”  I can change channels or search for a TV show by talking to my Xfinity remote.

How did the people who wrote Star Trek get so much of this right more than fifty years ago?  Was Gene Roddenberry, creator of Star Trek, really a visitor from an advanced civilization on another planet?

The Jetsons goes even further back, to 1962 and 1963. Rosie the robot maid seems to be a forerunner to the Roomba robotic vacuum cleaner.

Microwave ovens, Bluetooth connectivity in cars, automatic lighting and curtain opening/closing (ever been to Aria hotel in Vegas?) ... did we invent all this stuff or was the inspiration from a visitor from another planet ... Gene Roddenberry?

Just wondering.


elizinashe said…
Don't forget Dick Tracy and his watch. The modern day iWatch. haha..