Making It On the Jar
Following that long-standing tradition pioneered by Willard Scott, the Today Show regularly salutes people who are celebrating their 100th birthday and beyond. Their name, city and picture appear on a Smucker’s jar label graphic and the show host often quotes the celebrant’s aging wisdom. Although I have more than thirty years to go, I plan to make it on the jar. I’m already planning my 100th birthday party. My guest list includes some people of my age who might not make it that long, as well as friends and family who are a couple of decades younger than me. Some of the people who make it on the Smucker’s jar claim the predictable reasons for their longevity: eat well, exercise, don’t smoke or drink. Others make more creative, fun claims: A nightly martini for fifty years. Eat chocolate every day. Laugh a lot. Always eat desert first. I have plenty of reason to believe I’ll make it to 100. My mother and her three siblings were born...